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The First Language

Are You Splitting Your Pants?

Welcome !

I'm Josh Hester, founder and executive producer of Storyteller Studios. We're here to help you win your audience’s attention (and dollar) with stunning & compelling video storytelling.


The First Language

Our Philosophy

5 Questions That Will Make or Break Your Video Projects

One of the most common questions we hear is, “Which social media platform should we use to market our products or services? Is Facebook still relevant? Should we focus on Instagram? What about TikTok? And… what even is Snapchat?”

Before we can answer, there’s a more important question you need to ask yourself:

Who is my customer?

There’s an old African proverb we love: “The man who tries to walk two roads will split his pants.” And while we don’t want to embarrass anyone, we see a lot of marketers out there with split pants.

When we ask clients who their customer is, we often hear, “Well… everyone!” But here’s the thing: you can’t talk to everyone at once. And trying to will only dilute your message.

You have a specific customer. They are the main character in your brand’s story. They have their own needs, concerns, and challenges—and your product or service is the solution.

Who Is Your Customer?

Start by narrowing down who your audience really is. Are they a 30-something mom juggling kids and a career? A 62-year-old preparing for retirement? A college student? Once you identify your customer, you can meet them where they already are.

The best part? You don’t have to guess. Demographic data can tell you exactly which platforms your audience uses:

  • Snapchat: 78% of users are under 24 years old.
  • Pinterest: Popular with women aged 30–50.
  • LinkedIn: Attracts highly educated professionals earning $75k+ annually.
  • Twitter: Used by more men than women.
  • Facebook: Still the largest platform, with strong penetration across all demographics, especially users aged 35 and up.

Walk the Right Road

You don’t need to be everywhere—you just need to be where your audience is. If your customer isn’t a junior high student, you probably don’t need Snapchat. But if your audience is women in their 30s and 40s, Pinterest might be your goldmine.

Bottom line? Don’t split your pants. Instead, focus on the road that leads directly to your customer. With the right message on the right platform, you’ll walk confidently toward success—pants intact.



we're storyteller studios

documentary-style film for brands & causes

In 2013, we started leveraging the power of documentary-style film for brands and causes in our hometown of Springfield, Illinois (hence our affinity for Lincoln).

Since then, we’ve worked with clients nationally and traveled to cities including Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Indianapolis, Louisville, and Des Moines.

No matter where you are, we’d be honored to serve your brand next.

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3 Must-Have Ingredients for Marketing Videos That Work

Every effective marketing video relies on three essential ingredients that make it resonate with audiences and drive results—discover what they are and how they can make your next video project a success.